African Americans in general have come a long way from the dark days of slavery; this is especially the case for women. There are so many challenges and issues that this group has faced over the year thus making it very difficult to summarize all this information in one piece. Consequently, the paper will focus on the last fifty years i.e. African American women’s struggle between the nineteen fifties all the way to the present day.
The role of African American women in the Black Panther Party and their depiction at that time
When conducting an analysis of the black movement in the Black Panther party, one cannot help but realize that there were numerous clashes going on in this association. First of all, Black People were struggling with the revolutionary agenda and in order to garner support for their movement, most of the members of this party had to construct certain identities that were unique to the black person.
Another issue that cropped up in this period was the fact that there high levels of Sexism in the Black Panther party. This was largely depicted by the Actions of the Party’s leaders-Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. In a book Published by Doubleday “A taste of Power” by Elaine Brown (1994), the author describes her experiences as a member of the Black panther party. Elaine Brown was brought up in a poor Black community but had the opportunity to access education.
During her time in the Black Panther party, Elaine Brown, along with other women in the movement were largely interested in transforming African American welfare. These actions were the things that took up most of her time. Some of the activities that Ms. Brown focused on included increasing medical assistance to her community, provision of food assistance among many other aspects related to the social well being of her community. However the men in this party had a more radical approach to their coz. Most of them applied as double thronged approach in the revolutionary activities; there was the political dimension and the militant dimension. Leaders like Huey Newton and Bobby Seale wanted to create a defensive system for the Black people through military techniques. These ideas even permeated into the running of their daily activities.
For instance, the Black Panther party used to publish a newspaper in which Elaine Brown was one of the editors. At one time, it happened that Brown (1994) had delayed with the newspaper’s production by one hour. In response to this action, the tough disciplinarian Booby Seale sought to find out who had caused this delay. When it was revealed that the editing took longer than required, Seale commanded his subordinates to disciple Elaine Brown. They did this by flogging her with ten lashes on her back.
Brown (1994) explains that while going through the beating, she was “burning with rage” at the actions of her leader Seale who seemed to be applying double standards in the administration of justice within this party.
Within the Black Panther movement, women were expected to silently obey the words of the male leaders. Even the manner in which codes of practice were established in the Black Panther Party reflected this deeply engrained Sexism. No one was expected to vote or contribute to the rules governing the party. Instead, women were to listen and abide by the decisions made by their male counterparts. It is also interesting to note that within this party, there were no female leaders as all of them were predominantly male. This goes to show that women were almost invisible. To the men in top positions, women were seen as instruments that could be used to implement the party goals and nothing more.
However, despite this seeming mistrust, on cannot overlook the fact that some women in the Black Panther Party contributed towards Black empowerment in their own silent way. One such case is the latter mentioned author who chose to change her society in whichever little way she could.
Cleaver (1968) in his book Soul on Ice brings in a totally different dimension to the sentiments and feelings that African American men held about Black women. It should be noted that this book was written while the author was in prison. He had been arrested and tried for a series of crimes that included robbery with violence. While facing life imprisonment, the author began putting his ideas to paper through this book.
In “Soul on Ice”, the author describes his experiences as a young black man struggling with his identity. In his descriptions, he brings in the element of the white women. According to the author, the white women symbolized something that was unattainable to the Black man. In other words, Cleaver (1968) regarded women in a political manner. To him, sexual interconnection represented an avenue that he could utilize to make known his political sentiments.
Through the book, one is also able to understand another unconventional idea about the African American woman at that time. Cleaver (1968) says that he had a picture of a white woman pinned on his prison cell wall and on one occasion, the prison guards to his cell came and tore down this image. In response to this action, Cleaver started questioning his true outlooks towards the Black woman. He even asked a number of prisoners about their opinions on Black women.
Most of them asserted that it was exceedingly difficult to be attracted to the black woman because black men were bombarded with images of white women who they could only idolize but never get. Consequently, Cleaver brings out the fact that black women were not admired by their men.
Soul on ice also reveals a very interesting phenomenal in gender issues; that there were double standards in treatment of women at that time. Cleaver (1968) confesses that he wanted to exercise control over the white race by raping their women. He further reveals that in order to perfect this act, he began by raping Black women. The most shocking aspect of the “Soul on Ice” was the fact that the author only apologized to members of the white race for raping their women but rationalized his violent sexual acts against African American women as part of the moral deterioration of their society.
This part drew some sharp critics from African American feminists who believe that the same mentality still exists today. Many African American women have been violated and abused by Black men but society dismisses it as a normal occurrence in ‘that’ part of society.
Bambara (1970) through her book “The Black Woman: Anthology” brings out a rather positive aspect to this discussion. According to the author, there are a series of exemplary black women in history who have depicted courage and promise through their actions. These author cites a series of poems, books and other works are highlighted in order to bring out the positive role that many Black women are capable of embracing at their time.
In the “Black woman”, the author manages to address some of the challenges that one has to tackle when trying address gender identity for African American women. She brings out the fact that many African American women were struggling with racial inequality and domination by males at the same time. Additionally, the author also explains that women have the ability to transcend their circumstance by becoming the best that they can be. Bambara (1970) claims that this is only possible when women manage to balance the following;
• Motherhood
• Racism
• Politics
She insists that being black and female presents an individual with double trouble in American society as she knew it.
The book is los particularly insightful in exploring the issue of male patriarchy and gender identity. Bambara (1970) believed that women’s identity could be constructed independently from men’s. She also asserted that women’s struggles needed to focus on the restoration of their rights rather than continual emphasis on the issue of their attachment to men. The latter author also believed that female identity formation needed to be intertwined with the concept of black hood. According to her, one could not eliminate the issue of race and claim to have discussed gender effectively. Bambara (1970) believed that African American women had the capacity to change their lives as they knew it because so many other women (as cited in her book) had done the same.
Jackson (1970) also epitomizes the struggle that African American women underwent during the regime. George Jackson was serving a sentence in Soledad Prisons. He decided to join the Black Panther Movement while in jail and started writing socialist ideology through his book “Soledad Brothers.” In his writings, more emphasis was on the black revolution and political ideology.
Very little reference was given to the direct role that women play in Jackson’s society. However, one can relate male struggles to female struggles because both these genders were members of one race and injustices undergone by Jackson were the same injustices that women had to undergo too. Jackson (1970) complained about the failure of the American system to include Blacks in the economy. Consequently, the same can be said about African American women at that time. They were also undergoing economic oppression because of the lack of economic opportunities. The capitalistic approach of the ruling class caused the black community to be the inferior group and women in that category were no exception.
Deburg (1993) asserts that the Black struggle in the nineteen sixties and nineteen seventies was not just a political movement; it was also highly cultural. This author believed that the most revolutionary actions carried out by the Black Panther movement were related to the following
• Racial pride
• Self definition
• Strength
The Black Panther party was instrumental in the restoration of racial pride within the Black people who had been struggling with self hatred for so long. In fact, a large percentage of them were instrumental in the restoration of this self confidence. Deburg (1993) also brings out the fact that self actualization was a concept that was widely preached by these members. They believed that they could restore strength and belief in oneself among the black people. These sentiments were deeply spread among the people and Black women must have received them too.
Deburg (1993) adds that this construction of black identity was done through music especially soul music, it was also done through other cultural avenues like paintings, folktales, comedy and writings. The author enlists some of the contributors to this struggle and some of them happened to be women. Consequently, through the book, it is possible to see that women played a crucial role in changing society. However, their contributions still do not outweigh or even correlate to those ones that their male counterparts made in the black struggle.
Additionally, Deburg (1993) also talks about the issue of beauty. He asserts that African American women as icons of beauty were redefined as a result of the activities of the Black Panther Party. They were able to assert that some of the conventional ideas of beauty in America were misguided and that the physical features predominant among Black women (such as the Afro hair and full lips) were attractive features.
Forner (1995) explains the fact that the activities of the Black Panther Party were highly misunderstood. Most of them were taken out of context and considered as just another invisible force in the Black community. The author talks about how women in this community were able to contribute towards the coz laid out by this Party by carrying out a series of community based activities. These included handing out posters, conducting liberation clinics and schools too. In other words, the author brings out the fact women in this movement were largely regarded as policy implementers. Men were the ultimate policy makers in the Party.
Hansberry (1959) was a demonstration of some of the struggles that black people and women especially were undergoing at that time. This play continued to be read and enacted in many parts of the country even years after Lorraine Hansberry’s passing thus bringing out the fact that African American women are yet to come out of certain oppressive situations.
Hansberry (1959) uses a series of characters, phrases and words in order to bring out African American women’s struggles during her time. For example, in this play; “ a raising in the sun”, the playwright uses the phrase “ drop the Garbo routine”. Through this phrase, the author is trying to show how men wanted women to know their place in society. This fact is seen through one of the characters in the play known as Beneatha. The latter character was different from others because she was aggressive and was unafraid to point out any chauvinistic tendencies among the men that she interacted with. This caused a lot of tension between her and her male counterparts because this was not expected of women. Additionally, this woman was independent and liberated.
Hansberry (1959) also brings out the fact that African American men expected Black women to behave in a submissive manner. She brings this out through another character known as George. George tells Beneatha that if she wants to find a husband, she would have to be act like other women; this meant that she should not have behave in a very intelligent manner or in a way that depicted that she had studied so much.
The latter author’s writings are also essential in bringing out some of the struggles faced by black women in her time because of the problems that this category of Americans had to overcome. Through another character known as Mama, it is possible to understand African American women’s plight at that time. Mama may seem like a strong woman when viewed externally, but inwardly, this woman was struggling with insecurities related to her children’s future as she was unsure about what it held for them. Another woman that was dealing with dilemmas in the play was Ruth. Ruth had found out that she was pregnant and that she would have to raise yet another child in a home that was already struggling with their finances.
This child was coming at a time when Ruth was having problems with her marriage and did not know what will happen in the future. Beneatha is also struggling with a much larger problem in the African American community and America at large; that of gender barriers. These were particularly difficult for her because there were also other class barriers imposed upon her as an African American woman. Lastly, the play epitomizes the rigid beliefs held by certain African American Men who held stereotypical views in a world that was filed with so many possibilities for change. Consequently, this was why such men tried rationalizing their traditional ideas as much as they could.
The role played by African American women today
The role played by African American women today has changed drastically compared to the sixties and seventies. One only has to look at recent political events that the country has witnessed today to certify this; one of them being that America elected the first black president in history. President elect Obama’s victory was important to the black race but it also provided an opportunity to re-examine the role of black women in society today and contrast this to what it had been in the past.
Many feminist activities believe that the existence of a black first lady provides an avenue that allows black people to have positive female role models. Many black women had problems finding such dominant black, female role models in the past. Through Michelle Obama, this has now changed.
It should be noted that Michelle Obama has fitted well into this role because she represents sound American values. She also represents strong black women who manage to overcome challenges in their communities to make it. This is because Michele attended one of the most prestigious universities in the land; Harvard and she also managed to rise up the career ranks, raise two daughters and be a wife to her husband. All these issues highlight the fact that Black Women’s portrayal in society today is more balanced than it was thirty or forty years ago. At that time, most women were supposed to take behind the scenes roles. Even in the Black Panther Party, they were seen as invisible elements or entities that would only be important in behind the scenes struggles. (Regina, 2001)
This kind of mentality has drastically changed today. Black women can be seen making speeches and participating actively in political life. However, this does not distort the importance placed on family values. African American women today are expected to be active politically or economically and also to be active in their personal lives through family institutions. First Lady Michelle Obama has epitomized this new image of the African American woman today.
However, one should not assume that these changes are without their flaws. The United States media being as trivial as it is has still depicted some negative depictions of these kinds of role models. For instance, when Barrack Obama won the Democratic primary elections, Michelle commented that “ for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country because I think people are hungry for change”.
Many media houses kept playing the first fourteen words of this phrase. This caused conservatives and critics to label her as unpatriotic. This was unfair treatment of this female African American icon because very little attention was given to the last words in the latter phrase. Consequently, the criticisms were taken out of context. Other media houses have attempted to label her as a bitter woman because of the thesis she wrote during her university education about the oppression of black people. There was also a point in time when some groups accused her of talking against a certain white leader in church. These assertions bring out the fact that the media has still not fully embraced this issue. However, the latter are a far cry from what went in the nineteen sixties and seventies. At least now African American women in the limelight can be criticized and get a chance of exonerating themselves.
Also, they can express themselves more openly than they did forty years ago. (Hudson, 2008)
Another issue that is interesting to note about the portrayal of African American women today is the fact that there are still certain stereotypical images that bombard Americans today. Most of them encompass the depiction of African American women as loud, angry and physically large. These images have been common in most comedies or movies and African American feminists assert that in order to get rid of these stereotypes, then more “normal” depictions of women will be necessary. For instance, they could depict those ones studying etc.
African American women are now enjoying the fruits of their struggles during the sixties and seventies because back then women took the back stage; they hardly took part in policy making initiatives and their voices were not heeded. However, this has changed drastically today. African American women now have the opportunity to express themselves, take up leadership positions and be role models to others.
Cleavers, E. (1968): Soul on ice, available at accessed on 25th November
Bambara, T. (1970): The Black Woman, Washington Square Press
Jackson, G. (1970): Soledad Brothers – The Prison letters of George Jackson, available at, accessed on 25th November
Foner, P. (1995): The Black Panther's Speak; Da Capo Press
Baraka, A. (2000): Black Fire; an Anthology of Afro-American Writing; Plagrave
Deburg, W. (1992): A New Day in Babylon; Reed Business Information Publishers
Hansberry, L. (1959): A play - A Raisin in the Sun, available at accessed on 25th Nov 2008
Regina, J. (2001): African Womanism in the Black Panther party; Western Journal of Black Studies, 22nd September
Hudson, C. (2008): African Womanism; reclaiming our lives, Gale Group Publishers
Brown (1994): A taste of Power; Doubleday Publishers
By: Sherry Robbert
Author is associated with ResearchPapers247.Com which is a global Research Papers and Term Papers Writing Company. If you would like help in Research Papers and Term Paper Help you can visit ResearchPapers247.Com>
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Super Star Athletes There is More Than Meets the Eye
What if I told you I knew of someone who was being "conditioned" to be the first black super star athlete in a sport that was once primarily dominated by whites? And what would you say, if I told you that his parents were approached by a person who belonged to an elite group of people who could "help them?" Well I came across information like this while researching on a topic about athletes and mind control.
It seems far-fetched right? Well its not! If you spend some time researching athletes and mind control tactics, like I did, you will no longer look at any professional sport in the same way again!
Some of these athletes are doing more than just eating healthy and training in the way we envision training to be. There minds are being bombarded with all sorts of information to help them be the best so much in fact that they have mental breakdowns then they are bandaged up and put back out there to play irregardless of their health risks! They are experiments of the latest devices, vitamin supplements, and more to help them make money for those who own them.
You should question why some athletes keep coming out on top. Why is their such a large gap in their scoring, stats and more -- competition is none when it is planned that way! The days of playing fair have long been over especially when an athlete reaches the big leagues.
Do your research. Some of you reading this need to stop gambling on sports teams especially if you are not aware of the outcome of the "script."
For more writings by Nicholl McGuire, follow her on Twitter
It seems far-fetched right? Well its not! If you spend some time researching athletes and mind control tactics, like I did, you will no longer look at any professional sport in the same way again!
Some of these athletes are doing more than just eating healthy and training in the way we envision training to be. There minds are being bombarded with all sorts of information to help them be the best so much in fact that they have mental breakdowns then they are bandaged up and put back out there to play irregardless of their health risks! They are experiments of the latest devices, vitamin supplements, and more to help them make money for those who own them.
You should question why some athletes keep coming out on top. Why is their such a large gap in their scoring, stats and more -- competition is none when it is planned that way! The days of playing fair have long been over especially when an athlete reaches the big leagues.
Do your research. Some of you reading this need to stop gambling on sports teams especially if you are not aware of the outcome of the "script."
For more writings by Nicholl McGuire, follow her on Twitter
They Know You Better Than You Know Yourself
There are people who have spent years studying how you talk, the way you dress, the way you look, what your interests are and more! If you paid close attention to the scene in Fighting Temptations, when Cuba Gooding Jr. was selling his idea to market malt liquor in black communities to a white board, then you know that sort of thing really goes on across the world concerning us. Well, there are marketing practices not so obvious, but are specifically designed to keep you ignorant.
Non-blacks know that average blacks don't like to study, read books, or do anything to advance their knowledge in the affairs of the local, state and national governments. They know we don't like to spend our money (look how many bootleg copies of media circulate the black community.) They know that we love our music, our hair (thanks to Chris Rock confirming that!), and most of all we like to showboat in our new cars, trucks and houses. So with all that said, some of you will be deceived when the phony images come across the screen about a false Messiah. You will be deceived, like you were when they told you to get the Swine Flu immunization shot. You will be running around asking someone to pray for you when suddenly you are getting attacked financially and mentally because of the high price of food you buy and eat. "Why is this hurting my stomach? It never did before! What is going on why are all these problems happening in my community?" Don't be ignorant!
Racism hasn't left! The powers that be have just found a more sophisticated way to keep you in the dark such as: bombarding you with foolish shows on television to keep you laughing while they have their meetings on what to do with "you people." American blacks aren't the only ones being hoodwinked and bamboozled (as Spike Lee once said,) but blacks all around the world are being deceived out of their traditional ways of living ie.) Haiti!
Wars are ongoing daily. But nowadays rather than making a big scene about them on TV, why not shake the ground up on enemy territory around the world? As long as your world isn't being shaken up you don't question anything and you don't care, right? However, there is a God who does care and He expects those of us who say we believe in him to be concerned! So my friend, you are in error in your thinking like I once was. Notice I didn't say "be worried," because concern and worry are two different things -- look it up if you question what I am saying.
We should be prayerful about what is going on in the world. But how can some of you pray when you don't know what to pray for? As my grandmother once said, "Get your head in a book!" I will take it one step further, get silent before God and ask him, "Lord, forgive me for not caring about my national neighbors. What Lord shall I pray for? What knowledge am I lacking to help do your will?" Rather than playing games on the Internet (like those distractions on Facebook) see what your brothers and sisters in Christ are "exposing" and keep yourself and family safe.
Speaking of prayer, I hear that alot in the black community. "I am praying for you. I am praying for money. I am praying you will be safe." All these general prayers! Where are the "by the blood of Jesus" wailing prayers! The ones that make the ground move where even man would have to expose himself and say, "Look I didn't set that earthquake off!"
Has anyone in the black community ever questioned, "Well with all these so-called spiritual folks praying to their mighty God, why haven't we been coming out on top besides Obama's presidential election (and you see what that was really about or maybe you don't -- better start researching)? Why is it that we are still falling short in health, wealth and more?" I hear plenty of, "I'm so broke...I can't make ends meet!" You have a job! Spend less. Temporarily cut off certain things and don't want to do that right? Search for ways to cut your expenses.
As the young people on the street say, "I'm just sayin!"
While some of you are walking around singing, dancing, laughing and grateful that you aren't out on the cotton field, remember someone is studying you and your family (and God is watching too) so give them something to talk about, your intelligence. The fact that you are in touch with what is going on around you -- affecting you and your family mentally, physically and spiritually.
I think some men and women are still very cautious about learning, because they don't want to be deemed weird, boring, strange even crazy. They don't want to debate or face controversy because of their views. They don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, so they keep their thoughts to their self. Others don't want to learn more because they are fearful of what that might mean to the world around them.
If you are a believer, like you claim, strap up your spiritual armor and fight the good fight even in your sin! God will use anyone or anything as long as they are open to Him and willing to work toward change. Trust me, I know!
Nicholl McGuire, Author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate and When Mothers Cry. Available at
Non-blacks know that average blacks don't like to study, read books, or do anything to advance their knowledge in the affairs of the local, state and national governments. They know we don't like to spend our money (look how many bootleg copies of media circulate the black community.) They know that we love our music, our hair (thanks to Chris Rock confirming that!), and most of all we like to showboat in our new cars, trucks and houses. So with all that said, some of you will be deceived when the phony images come across the screen about a false Messiah. You will be deceived, like you were when they told you to get the Swine Flu immunization shot. You will be running around asking someone to pray for you when suddenly you are getting attacked financially and mentally because of the high price of food you buy and eat. "Why is this hurting my stomach? It never did before! What is going on why are all these problems happening in my community?" Don't be ignorant!
Racism hasn't left! The powers that be have just found a more sophisticated way to keep you in the dark such as: bombarding you with foolish shows on television to keep you laughing while they have their meetings on what to do with "you people." American blacks aren't the only ones being hoodwinked and bamboozled (as Spike Lee once said,) but blacks all around the world are being deceived out of their traditional ways of living ie.) Haiti!
Wars are ongoing daily. But nowadays rather than making a big scene about them on TV, why not shake the ground up on enemy territory around the world? As long as your world isn't being shaken up you don't question anything and you don't care, right? However, there is a God who does care and He expects those of us who say we believe in him to be concerned! So my friend, you are in error in your thinking like I once was. Notice I didn't say "be worried," because concern and worry are two different things -- look it up if you question what I am saying.
We should be prayerful about what is going on in the world. But how can some of you pray when you don't know what to pray for? As my grandmother once said, "Get your head in a book!" I will take it one step further, get silent before God and ask him, "Lord, forgive me for not caring about my national neighbors. What Lord shall I pray for? What knowledge am I lacking to help do your will?" Rather than playing games on the Internet (like those distractions on Facebook) see what your brothers and sisters in Christ are "exposing" and keep yourself and family safe.
Speaking of prayer, I hear that alot in the black community. "I am praying for you. I am praying for money. I am praying you will be safe." All these general prayers! Where are the "by the blood of Jesus" wailing prayers! The ones that make the ground move where even man would have to expose himself and say, "Look I didn't set that earthquake off!"
Has anyone in the black community ever questioned, "Well with all these so-called spiritual folks praying to their mighty God, why haven't we been coming out on top besides Obama's presidential election (and you see what that was really about or maybe you don't -- better start researching)? Why is it that we are still falling short in health, wealth and more?" I hear plenty of, "I'm so broke...I can't make ends meet!" You have a job! Spend less. Temporarily cut off certain things and don't want to do that right? Search for ways to cut your expenses.
As the young people on the street say, "I'm just sayin!"
While some of you are walking around singing, dancing, laughing and grateful that you aren't out on the cotton field, remember someone is studying you and your family (and God is watching too) so give them something to talk about, your intelligence. The fact that you are in touch with what is going on around you -- affecting you and your family mentally, physically and spiritually.
I think some men and women are still very cautious about learning, because they don't want to be deemed weird, boring, strange even crazy. They don't want to debate or face controversy because of their views. They don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, so they keep their thoughts to their self. Others don't want to learn more because they are fearful of what that might mean to the world around them.
If you are a believer, like you claim, strap up your spiritual armor and fight the good fight even in your sin! God will use anyone or anything as long as they are open to Him and willing to work toward change. Trust me, I know!
Nicholl McGuire, Author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate and When Mothers Cry. Available at
Poem: Million Dollar Man
Fourteen million dollar man
grew up tall
gifted to play ball.
Little black male
up for sell!
Want to be like Kobe
while daddy's name is "show me."
No dreams to become a lawyer, a doctor,
a teacher, or a preacher.
Rather hold up his han' and give praise to a man.
And you would too if you were worth
14 mil, but you got a penny left on a window sill.
Got dreams resting on your child
research filed
thinking about what if
while rubbing a back that's stiff.
Society is hungry, angry, and weary
your eyes are going to be left teary.
Because there is only one MJ
and he lived that day.
If only every million dollar man and woman
wasn't so concerned about a fan
change would be evident
and we would represent.
But society went wrong
when the doorbell rang, "ding dong"
and demanded too much
now we're in a crutch.
For laughs and thrills
we pay high priced bills!
The lies, the highs
and so the future dies!
Nicholl McGuire
Society Defines Real Music
Too happy
too noisey
too loud
too quiet
too dull
out of touch
out of rhythm
you don't like mine
I don't like yours
so we compromise
and you still manage
to hear what you want
and I am forced to deal with it
in the elevators
on the phone
at the doctor's office
in between commercials
Is it because ours is foolish?
Too ignorant
too sad
too angry
too black?
or is it because yours
is relaxing, cultivating
creative, original,
beautiful, informative
"real" music!?
Nicholl McGuire
too noisey
too loud
too quiet
too dull
out of touch
out of rhythm
you don't like mine
I don't like yours
so we compromise
and you still manage
to hear what you want
and I am forced to deal with it
in the elevators
on the phone
at the doctor's office
in between commercials
Is it because ours is foolish?
Too ignorant
too sad
too angry
too black?
or is it because yours
is relaxing, cultivating
creative, original,
beautiful, informative
"real" music!?
Nicholl McGuire
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women friends
work at home
African American Planet: Relationships, Education, Products & Lifestyle by Nicholl McGuire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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