Let’s get something understood when we meet fellow blacks and connect with relatives that we haven’t seen in a long time and start talking about, “My God…I love my God…God bless you,” we don’t all serve the same God! There are many blacks who may attend a church service for a wedding or some other special event, but that man or woman who is standing before them preaching at the pulpit all decked with crosses screaming, “Jesus, Jesus…” may be talking in one ear and out the other to a growing number of Anti-Christ followers. “I don’t serve no white Jesus!” a visitor mumbles.
One day I decided to get bold with my faith. I wanted to know who was this God that I believed in (I tell more later.) You see, I was familiar with grandma’s “Money God,” he would help her win the lottery, but he would also expect her to pay him back by moving her to say and do things that would shake people emotionally. In other words, souls weren’t being won to Christ. But she had another God, one who seemed to be genuine and did the typical: provide healing, meet needs, minister, and speak wisdom.
Then there was other relatives' “god.” It seemed that it was okay with this one to just be yourself—“Do what thou wilt.” They refused to fellowship with people who called themselves, “Christians.” One relative would say, “Those people have a lot of nerve calling themselves Christians…” Well who are you? I would think. As if reading my mind, “Oh, that’s not me. I love the Lord though.” Huh!?
I eventually was introduced to a Jesus in the Holy Bible by those teachers who taught me during my early years of private school. But this school also catered to those of Catholic faith. Not a good mix. Praying to saints and Jesus—what!? It was then, that grandma said, “Read me the Bible.” I was only five years old at the time. I also entertained grandma with songs like, “Jesus Loves Me” and “Jesus Loves the Little Children.”
Over the years, I met black folks who were proud of all sorts of gods that had been contrived out of groups that they belonged to. So I decided to list some of the websites that celebrate these gods not to promote serving or worshiping these gods, but to prove a single point, all blacks don’t follow Jesus, God or the Holy Spirit.
Other websites providing commentary regarding various gods.
So when I finally got serious and asked the Lord to come into my life (due to Christian influence,) I also asked him to reveal himself considering that I heard from many people who claimed, “God, god…” in my life. He said he was, “Yahweh” and he referred to other names popular today such as: Jesus, Holy Spirit and God. But in my quiet time with him, I call him “Lord.” Life has been interesting ever since I decided to walk a spiritual path. I might add, I never had any prayers turned down from my Lord.
I have also seen with my own eyes that Yahweh-God is still doing what he did in the Old Testament bible when it comes to avenging his children. I have also noticed that he is merciful and a righteous judge like in the New Testament. In addition, there is no need for me to conceptualize his skin color, because despite the Jewish name there is nothing to envision with my Lord who also functions with both Spirit and Son. His power is enough.
I know why he would share Yahweh with me, because I wanted to know the God of the Bible—a book that is centuries old, I needed to know who kept this book alive, who inspired it, etc. This holy name I heard in the spiritual realm, doesn’t cause me to look the other way, because all I am concerned about is staying under the blood of Christ until death—nothing else matters.
Despite all of man’s edits to his Holy Bible, somehow the Holy Spirit shows those who are serious about reading his word hard-truths—the kind that can’t be easily explained away or debated. The God I serve also has shared with me there is no other God like him. So when I meet people having trouble with this issue and that one, while lacking “the peace that surpasses all understanding,” I have to ask, “Where is your god?”
Other gods that people serve, (also known as demons, idols…) include the following:
Sports gods
Money gods
Sex god/goddesses
Science gods
Religion gods
God of self
Music gods
Talk show hosts
Materialism gods
So even if a person isn’t into spirituality, they are susceptible to plenty of other gods who come in the form of entertainment. Look these gods up and be enlightened by the commentaries. It isn’t any wonder that one’s atmosphere is plagued with all sorts of drama. There are those that should ponder one’s spiritual destiny then go on a spiritual fast. Try removing idols from homes, and who knows, the one true God just might show up if one truly accepts Him.
Commentary by
Nicholl McGuire
Writer, Blogger & Author of When Mothers Cry