Expecting to be freed from your circumstances by looking to others to bring you a key? Don't be silly. Nowadays, there are those who use our own people to raise up protest not to free you, but to further enslave you through your mind. If you can focus on a history of slavery such as: think like a slave and act like a slave, then you won't think about doing much else but working like a slave.
Think for a minute, it's that time of year again coming up. It's purpose, to either reprogram you with that "us versus they" mentality or you can choose to break free from media as well as your relatives' mind control. Use your five senses in ways that will encourage and motivate you to want come up higher mentally, spiritually and physically, not only for self, but family too--your choice. Entertainers aren't going to do it for you with all their shaking and cursing. Having one or two sexual partners won't satisfy that innate need to be loved. Wishing everyday that you made better decisions like, "Maybe my life would be better if..." isn't going to help either.
The real revolution doesn't start on the street, it starts with a change of perspective--a new mindset. Ask yourself, "Why do I do what I do? Go where I go? Say what I say? Am I really in control of my destiny or is someone or some group controlling me? What does my Creator really think of me and do I even have a sincere relationship with him?" Sometimes falling away from groups for a time will help you gain you back and less "they." You've heard or probably even said statements like, "They need me...They want me...I can't do that without their approval...They will show me..." They are governing mind, body and spirit, huh? Listen to enough "black" folks who have this title, that award or that major platform and before long you are just like them, a puppet on strings. Arguing with people about what "They said..."
These groups and situations that suddenly show up in media with a "black" label on them isn't always about you or I, what they really mean is that someone somewhere stands to gain something if they can change your mind, move you to act in certain ways and more--it doesn't matter who they are relatives, co-workers, friends, etc. Do what they want, "You are great...I love you...Just the best..." Object to what they want, "You are trouble...I don't like you...What did I ever see in you..."
We all need to spend more time thinking and less time seeing what this one and that one is doing here, there and everywhere. Fall back from the telephone talking, TV watching, church visiting, alcohol drinking, drug using, pill popping, Internet surfing, and yelling at those kids and your man or woman for awhile and you just might realize just how bamboozled you have been about a whole lot of things. Consider February not a month of revisiting someone else's history, rather think about checking out your present life.
Media from an African American perspective that isn't always politically correct, entertaining or encouraging. This African American blog shares black opinion on a variety of black issues from relationships to spirituality. Insightful advice for African Americans, commentaries, and lifestyle tips. Resources on black dating, black haircare, black families, black entertainment--if you love black, then you will love this African American blog. Check out unsung African American YouTubers.
This site was created by Nicholl McGuire, Inspirational Speaker and Author. Feel free to comment, share links and subscribe. If you have a business or would like to guest post feel free to contact. Check out topics on this blog and select what interests you. They are found at the bottom of this page. Peace and Love.
Sports aren't always played fair...the truth comes out. Thank you Internet!
As much as some don't want to believe it, a business, like sports, is not honest. Decades of watching media, you should know better to believe that outcomes are not fixed to a group's advantage. Take some time out and view videos online where bad calls, tricks, and more are used to achieve goals while deceiving fans.
Learn more:
The Fix is In
The Media Can Legally Lie
http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/11-the-media-can-legally-lie/ (link no longer active)
Freedom Guide
The NFL, The Mafia and FIXED Games - Dan Moldea Interview
Don't argue with people, research.
Black America Web
Thought you might be interested in a change of scenery. This website is informative, entertaining, and has some news you can use! Most of all, it is relevant to black folks--yeah! Enjoy! Black America Web http://blackamericaweb.com/
I Got You!
Three simple words can bring so much peace to a troubled soul, "I got you." If you have ever been in a situation you know how it feels when someone says, "Don't worry about it...I got you." You might have had that person's back when they were down so he or she can't help, but want to be there for you during your trial. But people, like that, are few. The truth of the matter is we live in a very selfish world.
When your back is up against the wall, most people say, "Sorry man...wish I could help, but I am going through..." This is why, for some, they have a faith, because for far too long people have let them down, so what might a supernatural force do for them? There is no brother or sisterhood that is going to do much for them, but ask, "What have you done lately for us?"
If you are that one who is reading this that just wants some peace of mind--you just need to know that someone has your back, don't just sit there wondering, this is your time to test the spirits. That's right, make that phone call and see who sincerely has your back. Move pride out the way! Find out what you can learn about your current situation right here online. Seek some wise counsel from those who have been in your shoes. You might have to go outside of your network and look up some people in the yellow pages. How do you really know whether there is help if you haven't tested no one or nothing? I can tell you that name it and claim it messages and prosperity gospels don't do much but take your money away. I am one for asking the one who is making the claim to put something in my pocket and not the other way around!
The other day I was talking to a brother who seemed to have given up some hope about things going on his life. He was quick to talk about what won't work and what someone told him and on and on. It was sad to hear that this man had reached a place where he could no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. All I could do was keep directing him to the solutions and what might happen if he kept choosing to do the same things only to get the same results. He needed to step out of his comfort zone and make some changes. But he wasn't willing to give up anything to make those changes, so you can pretty much determine that from this brother's dilemma he was going to stay hopeless. Throw in the fact that he didn't have much faith in a Creator either.
Sometimes we get tired of keeping our hopes up about people, opportunities, things, etc. but we have to keep working anyway, believing, making sacrifices, and more. Will things really work out? That's up to you, it all depends on what you believe is "work out." Things can work out for bad or for good, but it is up to you to see the positive in every situation.
We can find a million plus individuals that will tell us why someone or something doesn't work, can't be done and ain't right, but sometimes all we need is a few that will stay strong for us and say, "It can be done...it will be done...things are going to work out...you must believe!"
So if you need someone to just say, "I got you..." Then may the prayers of the righteous go up and the blessings come down sooner rather than later on your situation. Know this, the Maker of this Universe got you!
God bless.
When your back is up against the wall, most people say, "Sorry man...wish I could help, but I am going through..." This is why, for some, they have a faith, because for far too long people have let them down, so what might a supernatural force do for them? There is no brother or sisterhood that is going to do much for them, but ask, "What have you done lately for us?"
If you are that one who is reading this that just wants some peace of mind--you just need to know that someone has your back, don't just sit there wondering, this is your time to test the spirits. That's right, make that phone call and see who sincerely has your back. Move pride out the way! Find out what you can learn about your current situation right here online. Seek some wise counsel from those who have been in your shoes. You might have to go outside of your network and look up some people in the yellow pages. How do you really know whether there is help if you haven't tested no one or nothing? I can tell you that name it and claim it messages and prosperity gospels don't do much but take your money away. I am one for asking the one who is making the claim to put something in my pocket and not the other way around!
The other day I was talking to a brother who seemed to have given up some hope about things going on his life. He was quick to talk about what won't work and what someone told him and on and on. It was sad to hear that this man had reached a place where he could no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. All I could do was keep directing him to the solutions and what might happen if he kept choosing to do the same things only to get the same results. He needed to step out of his comfort zone and make some changes. But he wasn't willing to give up anything to make those changes, so you can pretty much determine that from this brother's dilemma he was going to stay hopeless. Throw in the fact that he didn't have much faith in a Creator either.
Sometimes we get tired of keeping our hopes up about people, opportunities, things, etc. but we have to keep working anyway, believing, making sacrifices, and more. Will things really work out? That's up to you, it all depends on what you believe is "work out." Things can work out for bad or for good, but it is up to you to see the positive in every situation.
We can find a million plus individuals that will tell us why someone or something doesn't work, can't be done and ain't right, but sometimes all we need is a few that will stay strong for us and say, "It can be done...it will be done...things are going to work out...you must believe!"
So if you need someone to just say, "I got you..." Then may the prayers of the righteous go up and the blessings come down sooner rather than later on your situation. Know this, the Maker of this Universe got you!
God bless.
The Oppressed Recruiting a Few Good Slaves
Lately, I have been seeing my share of oppressed blacks on reality shows, television talk shows, and on and off the Internet attempting to recruit fellow blacks to jump on various bandwagons of ignorance from superstition to skin color complexes. Nowadays, there are many blacks (more specifically younger ones) who aren't interested in perpetuating generational cycles like: anger toward non-blacks, light skin and dark skin hang ups, and braggadocious behaviors related to material wealth, power, etc.
For sake of this blog entry, I am defining the oppressed blacks, I speak of, as ones who are burdened by powerful people with hidden agendas (in various industries ie. entertainment, government etc.) to share messages that are designed to exercise power over the masses. For instance, if I run a large media congolomerate and I have a plan to make more money by targeting a certain market, I will recruit those who can tap on the weaknesses of others in an attempt to keep them buying/watching/selling/marketing for my company. What better way to keep people under one's thumb then to get them to say and do the kinds of things that appear like they are down/keeping it real/truthful? But the reality is, the oppressed are nothing more than puppets with drawstrings that aren't interested in freeing blacks from stupid reasonings, but more interested in suffocating independent critical thinking skills while robbing a brother and sister blind financially.
Now these "oppressed" blacks I speak of are those that don't sit comfortably when a fellow black says, "I don't see color...I am teaching my children to respect both sides of their heritage...I am not exclusively in support of my people, but all people..." Oh, oppressed blacks don't like this kind of talk! For some it means that someone is "out of touch or just doesn't get it," you know, the struggle. Whatever "the struggle" these days means to certain groups ie.) racism, sexism, etc. But I have to admit that there are many blacks that are more free today than their ancestors ever were (free to vote, get a job, buy a car, sit on a bus, start a business, and so on) and as far as struggling, many ignorant blacks bring issues on themselves because they are too busy trying to keep up with everyone else.
Oppressed blacks help perpetuate ignorance with all their "I'm black, you black talk." The way some of our people spit out the word "black" is just wrong especially when talking to someone who is lighter than they are. Why is there such a negative disposition about so-called educating someone on the black experience? The reason is quite simple, when you hate yourself, you hate those around you who are content, free and settled with just being a person. Not everyone has experienced being called this name and that one--believe it or not. Not everyone is interested in dating within their own ethinicity just because an oppressed black wouldn't dare. Not everyone is bobbing their head to foolishness and spending money they don't have on more foolishness! So much ignorance!
For the oppressed blacks, they don't need a master to enslave them, because they enslave themselves with all their negativity, years of brainwashing from grandma and 'em, and worse they permit their bad experiences with nonblacks to dictate their lives. "I would never let my daughter date them...my kids is n*ggas and proud of it--so what, their mama is white! I don't give a d*mn, I'm black what, what?!!" When I hear statements like this, I don't hear the love in them and I definitely don't entertain discussion, because I know what it all boils down to is raised voices, attitudes, insults, and cursing. If someone wants to call their children bi-racial, so what? If someone thinks it's stupid to keep investing in trends, it doesn't mean that they don't have it going on? If a person wants to live in a small house rather than a big house, it doesn't make them cheap? If a group chooses to believe in a Creator, it doesn't mean that the white man has his foot on their necks?
The oppressed have no problem recruiting the following: those who are naive, have identity issues, and are just plain mad about their have-nots in life. These types of people are the perfect recruits--misery loves company! An angry black comes along with a hate filled speech, bad experiences with non-blacks, and whatever else that attempts to fire others up. Those that know better don't allow such speech to permeate their ears, but those who have issues invite the oppression. Free people like to be around free people. The type of folks that are happy with their lives, doing what's right, and staying drama free!
There are just some things in this life that we have to let go of especially if those issues have nothing to do with us! So many people get tricked into saying things, joining groups, and doing more for others who have specific agendas that don't have anyone's best interest in mind except those who are funding the mission. The ones who come up with these plans to enforce certain policies spend a great deal of time tailoring messages in such a way so that one can take their rage out into the street only to find themselves physically, mentally or spiritually in bondage. Rather than be so quick to preach a gospel of any kind, consider this, is it going to free a person? Is it going to cause someone to act in love? Will that person love who they are, appreciate parents, and raise children to be productive, respectable members of society? If I am standing on a platform screaming at the top of my lungs about why someone should/could/need to and I am disappointed with many things concerning myself, you have to wonder, do I sincerely have the best intentions for my fellow brothers and sisters?
We all have to check ourselves when it comes to inner love, peace, happiness, and more. If we can't get along with ourselves, then how can we get along with anyone else? Oppressed blacks are not a benefit to any individual or group (except to those who pay them to keep drama going), they are like those crabs in a barrel, they don't mind who they step on to get to the top. Don't permit the anger speech, the "you black" hate, and whatever other negativity a relative, friend, co-worker, boss or someone else brings you, stop that mess at the door! Much of the anger hype is to get you to conform, to put you in a box, and most of all get you to be that obedient slave from yesteryear who sits back with the rest of the slaves complaining about master.
Nicholl McGuire
For sake of this blog entry, I am defining the oppressed blacks, I speak of, as ones who are burdened by powerful people with hidden agendas (in various industries ie. entertainment, government etc.) to share messages that are designed to exercise power over the masses. For instance, if I run a large media congolomerate and I have a plan to make more money by targeting a certain market, I will recruit those who can tap on the weaknesses of others in an attempt to keep them buying/watching/selling/marketing for my company. What better way to keep people under one's thumb then to get them to say and do the kinds of things that appear like they are down/keeping it real/truthful? But the reality is, the oppressed are nothing more than puppets with drawstrings that aren't interested in freeing blacks from stupid reasonings, but more interested in suffocating independent critical thinking skills while robbing a brother and sister blind financially.
Now these "oppressed" blacks I speak of are those that don't sit comfortably when a fellow black says, "I don't see color...I am teaching my children to respect both sides of their heritage...I am not exclusively in support of my people, but all people..." Oh, oppressed blacks don't like this kind of talk! For some it means that someone is "out of touch or just doesn't get it," you know, the struggle. Whatever "the struggle" these days means to certain groups ie.) racism, sexism, etc. But I have to admit that there are many blacks that are more free today than their ancestors ever were (free to vote, get a job, buy a car, sit on a bus, start a business, and so on) and as far as struggling, many ignorant blacks bring issues on themselves because they are too busy trying to keep up with everyone else.
Oppressed blacks help perpetuate ignorance with all their "I'm black, you black talk." The way some of our people spit out the word "black" is just wrong especially when talking to someone who is lighter than they are. Why is there such a negative disposition about so-called educating someone on the black experience? The reason is quite simple, when you hate yourself, you hate those around you who are content, free and settled with just being a person. Not everyone has experienced being called this name and that one--believe it or not. Not everyone is interested in dating within their own ethinicity just because an oppressed black wouldn't dare. Not everyone is bobbing their head to foolishness and spending money they don't have on more foolishness! So much ignorance!
For the oppressed blacks, they don't need a master to enslave them, because they enslave themselves with all their negativity, years of brainwashing from grandma and 'em, and worse they permit their bad experiences with nonblacks to dictate their lives. "I would never let my daughter date them...my kids is n*ggas and proud of it--so what, their mama is white! I don't give a d*mn, I'm black what, what?!!" When I hear statements like this, I don't hear the love in them and I definitely don't entertain discussion, because I know what it all boils down to is raised voices, attitudes, insults, and cursing. If someone wants to call their children bi-racial, so what? If someone thinks it's stupid to keep investing in trends, it doesn't mean that they don't have it going on? If a person wants to live in a small house rather than a big house, it doesn't make them cheap? If a group chooses to believe in a Creator, it doesn't mean that the white man has his foot on their necks?
The oppressed have no problem recruiting the following: those who are naive, have identity issues, and are just plain mad about their have-nots in life. These types of people are the perfect recruits--misery loves company! An angry black comes along with a hate filled speech, bad experiences with non-blacks, and whatever else that attempts to fire others up. Those that know better don't allow such speech to permeate their ears, but those who have issues invite the oppression. Free people like to be around free people. The type of folks that are happy with their lives, doing what's right, and staying drama free!
There are just some things in this life that we have to let go of especially if those issues have nothing to do with us! So many people get tricked into saying things, joining groups, and doing more for others who have specific agendas that don't have anyone's best interest in mind except those who are funding the mission. The ones who come up with these plans to enforce certain policies spend a great deal of time tailoring messages in such a way so that one can take their rage out into the street only to find themselves physically, mentally or spiritually in bondage. Rather than be so quick to preach a gospel of any kind, consider this, is it going to free a person? Is it going to cause someone to act in love? Will that person love who they are, appreciate parents, and raise children to be productive, respectable members of society? If I am standing on a platform screaming at the top of my lungs about why someone should/could/need to and I am disappointed with many things concerning myself, you have to wonder, do I sincerely have the best intentions for my fellow brothers and sisters?
We all have to check ourselves when it comes to inner love, peace, happiness, and more. If we can't get along with ourselves, then how can we get along with anyone else? Oppressed blacks are not a benefit to any individual or group (except to those who pay them to keep drama going), they are like those crabs in a barrel, they don't mind who they step on to get to the top. Don't permit the anger speech, the "you black" hate, and whatever other negativity a relative, friend, co-worker, boss or someone else brings you, stop that mess at the door! Much of the anger hype is to get you to conform, to put you in a box, and most of all get you to be that obedient slave from yesteryear who sits back with the rest of the slaves complaining about master.
Nicholl McGuire
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African American Planet: Relationships, Education, Products & Lifestyle by Nicholl McGuire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at africanamericanplanet.blogspot.com.