
This site was created by Nicholl McGuire, Inspirational Speaker and Author. Feel free to comment, share links and subscribe. If you have a business or would like to guest post feel free to contact. Check out topics on this blog and select what interests you. They are found at the bottom of this page. Peace and Love.


No Favor, No Response, No Movement - Black Lives Still Don't Matter in Many Workplaces

It was all lip service and well-written letters stating the companies were supporting African Americans at the height of the protests this year (2020), but all I saw was a platform for people to speak out about their prejudicial experiences and not much else.  It was back to covid-19 and business as usual.  

There was no movement in most workplaces like it was out on the street, because most people in leadership roles aren't the least bit interested in stirring up the pot where they rely on their paychecks--you just can't bite the hand that feeds you especially if it is a closet racist.  

Businesses were careful about what they said and what they were doing to "help."  In every letter I received from predominately white businesses, I was looking for something that I couldn't find, power.  What African Americans would be given the chance to sit in a board room among investors, managers, business owners and others and implement some real changes?  I offered my assistance.  I was willing to offer suggestions that weren't based on ethnicity, but simply ways to do business better.  I responded to one of those "supportive" letters identifying with our plights as African Americans working in predominately white establishments.  I stated I appreciated their kind words and I mentioned my personal experience working with the organization which had been positive, but what I did was also acknowledge what they said about hiring more minorities and I was willing to help with marketing, hiring practices, and so on.  I added that I have a background in Journalism and Communications, diverse experience working with people of all ethnicities, and went on to mention other things I could help with and you know what I got, no response.  That's right no response! 

So I started thinking, "maybe (the individual) was busy, maybe I need to escalate what I wrote because he really isn't in any position of decision-making...did the group have an African American in mind they were already familiar with to assist or possibly lead...was my letter too long, too short...did I sell myself well, should I have given some detailed ideas..."  I realized quickly none of those things were it, I sat back and watched, I noticed a pattern with other trending things that many companies wrote about like Covid-19.  


Well-written letters that talked about being concerned about workers' safety and thanking us essential workers, they mentioned what we already knew about such as: wearing face masks, washing hands, maintaining social distance, but what about keeping unnecessary public areas closed like seating areas, lobbies, apartment amenities, etc.?  We weren't out of the clear yet with the pandemic.  Instead, we saw a list of everything that would be open on the news.  Plexiglass guards weren't (and still aren't up) at every public location for cashiers and front desk workers, and some workers didn't have anything protecting them.  

To date, many people are still working without masks with no enforcement despite mandates.  There are still no disinfectant wipes at most public locations, no coronavirus testing results are required at many workplaces for those who returned back to work after having all the symptoms, and testing that did occur is taking far too long to get results back.  Yep, those empathetic letters "for safety reasons..." while people continue to die.  The writers were told to pen something thoughtful by upper management include a few action verbs, then check-mark complete, and on to the next task.  It's all about the money not our lives!

When a company truly wants to make a difference and they sincerely care about you, they will pick up a phone, arrange to meet with you, listen to what you are saying, and put action behind their words.  They don't just send letters out, conduct mainly one-sided conference calls, yet not walk the walk.  

Back to Black Lives Matter at the Workplace Too..hmm, really?

How did we even get to a point where we needed to address prejudice everywhere?  Defenseless people get sick of being told someone is going to do something about something, but don't!  

I personally do not need another token or favorited black woman or man speaking for me.  What I am finding are many of them are are simply happy with the conversation they are having with whites and not much else, "Someone finally noticed me, hooray!" I'm not much interested in another white person empathizing with my pain, I need more than that!

What most of us want is the following:  our names behind our ideas with the royalties to go with it--give us credit where credit is due, our positions being appreciated with the kind of money that you pay your white counterparts, we want quality resources in communities nationwide, to be treated fairly, justly, and obvious racist people continue to experience consequences for their actions and inactions, and many of you know the rest.  Instead what we receive is some "select" blacks running their mouths when a news topic is trending about a "black" issue while a non-black person behind the scenes jots some notes down.  He or she may even have a tear in his or her eye about our experiences, but that information is shared with someone or a group that just wants to sell us more things that matter to them or give us a job where our paychecks can't afford the very product that we are selling for non-blacks!

When we want to meet with whites about issues that aren't just about what black people go through, but everyone, nonblack influencers are unresponsive, busy, or already took care of the least controversial issue, because remember, they can only do but so much, they don't want to make too many waves, "I need my job."  Business goes on as usual.

Token Blacks in Corporate America - Black Workers Matter

Check out the following thought-provoking equations I created, and that I have seen ongoing in workplaces recently as well as in the past where there just ain't too many of us...

One token black with a matter + a few acknowledgments and issues addressed from mid-level management (not upper unless "the matter" was escalated and not in-person--the middle man or woman is often used) = personal satisfaction for the one or group giving the compliment/award/promotion and something the complaining African American can be proud of.

Two token blacks with a matter + a meeting with someone of importance = promises to meet some easy requests (just so long as they aren't too much of an inconvenience) and temporal satisfaction for all.

A few token blacks or maybe more (who aren't scared) with a matter + a meeting with upper management about all parties involved who violated policies/rules = a systematic plan to get rid of those troublesome blacks (write ups, layoffs, demotion, termination). 

Several token blacks or more with a matter + an in-person meeting (or maybe not) with upper management who hears about the issue and promises but doesn't deliver = negative news media attention and profit losses.

I'm never satisfied with empathetic, sympathetic letters and lip service and you shouldn't be either.

Nicholl McGuire blog owner and the author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic.


African Americans Recruited By Familiar Spirits

Many African Americans are quite familiar with player, pimp and hustler archetypes in movies, plays, and books.  We not only seen fictional characters in the entertainment industry, but they portrayed what we saw in our families and on the streets.  When you have grown up around people who have the player, pimp and hustler mentality and you view the behaviors as fun, exciting, intimidating, cool, it is very easy to captivate you with a white player, pimp and hustler act.

You see, there are those African Americans that were drawn to Bill Clinton and the current president, Donald J. Trump because they have ways similar to their black uncles, cousins, and grandfathers.  Although subtle for the most part, these white leaders as well as others are all too familiar.  Just as some of the male witches of our ancestry were led by familiar spirits to guide the masses, so too are those susceptible in leadership roles. 

The same demons who spread through black communities around the world using pawns to do their bidding while winning the favor of gullible audiences worldwide are operating in and around white players, pimps and hustlers.  They too have game and they too are narcissistic and couldn't care less about their people either.  It's all about self and how you make self look will win you friends or win you foes among the wicked.  Right now, we see a leader hungry for a second term.  He's been around and he knows who is important to win over and who is not.  Black folk need not apply.  In the white man's circle, his game of chess, you are not a king, queen, knight, or rook, you are a short-lived bishop and will always be his pawn. 

So many African Americans deceive themselves in believing that they can join a white club, dine at a white table, buy property from a white establishment, and have pretty much the ability to do any and everything that they want.  Huh?  The former president Barak Obama was an example of how much power they will let you have when it suits them.  When we borrow the thoughts of a pimp speaking to his whore, he tells her what to do and where to do it and what to give him.  The only so-called "power" she has is to go along with the program or not.  If she refuses, there will be consequences.  White pimps, players and hustlers will steal from a target, kill a target, and destroy the life of a target just like the black pimps, players and hustlers do.  Sound familiar, yes, they all serve not the heavenly Father, the great I AM, but Satan.  Every now and again you see satanic spirits manifest themselves in body language and personal preferences.

For most people, you never even thought of a white pimp, player or hustler because that is not what you saw on television growing up.  You didn't come across these folks in your hood unless of course they were doing business there.  These demonic workers don't typically hang out in the streets, at bars, or on front porches.  Rather, they are living in jaw-dropping mansions or impressive large homes in the suburbs or rural areas, vacationing at private clubs and islands, and meeting in exquisite rooms conducting "business."  Witches attend these meetings calling on spirit guides to assist.  The assistance provided is not what Christian faith would support.  

African American celebrities are hit the hardest with the witchcraft.  They are forewarned about doing business with the devil or selling out, but they love money too much as mentioned elsewhere on this blog.  They will do almost anything to remain on the A list!  

So the white pimp of a business owner sizes them up, looks at what their talents are worth.  "Name your price."  He or she will be sure to get his or her cut.  The white hustler is too busy on his grind to give a d@mn about "feelings" and how "tired" one is or their desire to be with their family.  "There's work to do.  You knew what to expect when you signed up.  Get back to work, 'let's get that money' isn't that what your people like to say!"

The white player knows his value when working with non-whites.  He or she throws money at whatever he or she wants when they want it while letting select individuals into his bedroom.  If their special, he might buy them a car or help with a few bills.  Players are never loyal, they may treat you like the only one, but they have a long list of people they use and abuse.

Yep, white players, pimps, and hustlers need to be exposed too!  They might not talk our talk and may not walk our walk, but they sure know what they are doing just like our black predecessors who lived these wicked lifestyles.  They are looking for a few more recruits and the unsuspecting will be caught and led to the slaughter like the rest.

Nicholl McGuire blog owner and the author of Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men and She's Crazy.   


Study and Show Thyself Approved

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, 
rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 

 Books passed over in stores, a book given as a gift and is barely read, a must-read lies in a pile of stuff, and another great work is bagged up and dropped off at a local thrift store.  Unlike their uneducated predecessors, many African Americans who know how to read, look for excuses to avoid reading. "I got better things to do.  I don't like to read.  I haven't found anything interesting enough to read.  I did enough of that in school."

Sometimes the key to one's life dilemmas is found in the book you avoid.  Challenges are often solved after a person takes the time to read about it.  Years of struggle come to a swift end when a book is finally opened and read from cover-to-cover.  So many of our people, who read and comprehend well, would rather watch a screen that oftentimes gives limited information while putting your mind in a trance.  There is only so much a host of a television show, a speaker at a conference, or a celebrity seated before an audience can say in an hour or two.

The books below speak of different times in black culture that inspire, call men and women to a higher standard.  They tell stories of black life that you most likely didn't learn about in elementary, middle and high school.  Enjoy the suggested titles along with some great gift items. Your purchase supports this blog. Thank you!


African American Citizens Used, Abused: Stay Woke It's an Election Year Here in the United States

Used again!  African Americans suffering here in the land of the free and the home of the brave! Nationwide psychologically manipulative talking puppets and events, you just might think twice before you set foot in AmeriKKKa if you don't live here these days.  This is what racist people want you to do and when you dare show up and do anything that draws attention to yourself in racist towns, cities, boroughs, etc. well you might have seen already, they often use black people as an example to communicate a message around the world.   

Just a reminder, there has always been and will always be a strategic agenda during an election year to sway votes by any means necessary.  Our current leadership is hell-bent on winning a second term, so he continues to create divisiveness among citizens and officials while playing victim when the media calls him out on his foolishness!

Most U.S. citizens are not happy with our current leadership.  Don't let the rally of support shown to the current president by the folks dressed in red make you think otherwise!  I have personally been disappointed repeatedly when I have turned on the television and checked out the Internet to see once again the president saying something to win over ignorant racists.

Feel free to continue your voyage over here if you are a foreigner; however, keep in mind that there are areas in this country that truly are not welcoming; therefore, do your research.  Fear-mongering and abuse of power was part of the plan from the start since this current administration showed up.  The hidden hand put pressure on the pawns in the game to send a clear message: "keep people out that don't look like us and are not of similar background--they will not continue to capitalize off of our resources.  Then keep those who are already 'oppressed' down, they are looking for handouts."  However, wealthy foreigners are always welcome just so long as they aren't looking to make war, at least for a time, then once rich and selfish Americans (primarily white with access to these foreign elitists) have used them for their ideas, resources, brand, assets, bodies, etc.  they have no more use of them.

Earlier this year, just like natives in other countries, we didn't anticipate the move of the coronavirus and how serious it was. We continued on working, shopping, playing, and visiting our family and friends with no masks, frequent hand-washing was unimportant, and so too was social distancing.  Now, many deaths of loved ones and friends later, there are citizens who are strict about these things, while others not so much even in their grief of the deceased.  Their attitudes are nonchalant and they hate to be reminded of how serious this virus is in our land.

Police brutality had reared its ugly head in full force in the media.  When the citizens protested and some change occurred, those that didn't appreciate what was happening, mainly local and government officials and racist law enforcement, they have been doing a number of things to slow the movements down.  Black Lives Matter continues to press on while even some elitist black folks criticize the organizations zeal on FOX news and elsewhere.  The average black American, with any sense and no allegiance to occult affiliations, fraternal and cult groups, don't support the views of those who are in media singing the Trump administration praises.

Whenever ordinary citizens with a growing platform whether on or off the Internet are gaining momentum, there are covert as well as overt ways their audiences are manipulated to keep from listening to the motivational speakers who are sincerely about empowering people and promoting change.  Money-grubbing elitists don't want the average person rising and dipping into their profits.  They don't want anyone or group, who could one day become competition going all out to build strong communities.  

Since most U.S. citizens are not scripted puppets and haven't taken any oaths to join elitist establishments, they are able to speak truth--real truth!  However, the consequences of that truth-speaking is highly influential speakers and leaders either end up dead or people close to them go missing or worse murdered.  Murders are covered up to look like suicides, drug and alcohol abuse or so-called death from natural causes. Don't think that we don't know any better those of you in foreign lands, because we do!  Yet, we can only say and do but so much (like many of you in your homelands) to bring attention to names involved in these cover-ups.

Support from around the world is very necessary to continue to expose the ongoing evils not just when it comes to police brutality and other race related issues, but we also need to continue to shine the light on: sexual abuse (especially committed by high profile officials and their connections), physical abuse, verbal abuse, genital mutilations, rapes, theft, unsolved mysteries, bribes, mind control tactics, and more that powerful people do to keep their sick fetishes, lavish lifestyles, and other things they enjoy quieted.

African Americans that are deemed the best in their crafts, A-listers, and "in the know" can't be trusted.  They are heavily restricted when it comes to speaking out about current events.  They are instructed by their handlers to participate in limited activities to appease the fans, but nothing more.  Donating goods, making a guest appearance here or there, entertaining with song, dance or sport are all good, but controversial topics is not.  Celebrities are careful joining ordinary citizens' causes and their freedom fighting ventures.  They are admonished out of view if they take on too much of a role.  So the sick rich continue to get rich off of the poor, mentally disabled, disadvantaged, and disenfranchised populaces.  They target individuals who usually have no conscience when it comes to participating in immoral activities to do their dirty work or those heavily medicated or have some kind of addiction.  Many American celebrities and not-so known people of power have come from poor or abusive backgrounds and/or have a love and greed for money.  

Various organizations are responsible for decorating your favorite entertainers, artists, business owners, and others up to be presented before the masses.  They advise them on how to talk, act, walk, and most of all how to think.  They then send them out with whatever they want them to say and do to brainwash the masses.  If you don't know any better, you find yourself liking and supporting entertainers, leaders, and others who you would have never considered, because there is always a little about them that is relatable--a bit of truth or "realness" sprinkled among the lies.  

Meanwhile, unstable celebrities are tricked into believing they are responsible for their own lives, but they aren't.  Their lives belong to the establishment--those they know and don't.  Yet, great brainwashing does just that, convince you into believing that one is powerful among puppeteers and is in control--wrong!  The same brainwashing tactics is used on the public similar to that which is used by cult leaders.  Watch yourself when you say something like this when watching a trending celebrity, "I would have never thought I would have liked this person or that one, but you know, I really do.  We don't have much in common, but..."  When you think like this you are dismissing your first negative impression about many of these immoral influencers while siding with them--contrary to what you know to be right and true within.  You are playing yourself!  You become a fresh recruit to convince others to believe in the devil of a man or woman pushing a dark agenda that they don't fully comprehend, but to them "It's cool...creative impression...it makes me look knowledgeable...my fans will like this."  An ignorant fan, follower, voter, or commentator who is no different than the mind-controlled celebrity who says, "I sold my soul to the devil."

So abused and used again, African Americans of every shade, background, social class, sex, gender, industry, etc.  Lives lost to push racists' agendas as well as other movements that appear to be righteous. Be careful, don't be the one who is manipulative into thinking in whatever way manipulative media wants you to think, exercise those critical thinking skills and do your research!  

What mass media tells you is important is not as important as you might think, it is what is going on behind the scenes by the hidden hand that is.  

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Socially Sweet, Physically Abusive Men and other books. 

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Creative Commons License
African American Planet: Relationships, Education, Products & Lifestyle by Nicholl McGuire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at africanamericanplanet.blogspot.com.
