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Remember the Celebrities who Adopted Black Babies?
When we saw more and more white celebrities adopting black babies during the 90s and 2000s, some of us didn't think too much of it. "That's good...Our people aren't doing too much to help those poor black kids in other countries, we have enough problems in this one." However, fast forward and have you noticed some odd things about those adopted babies back then and now?
Think of this, those poor black children are now rich with may things that we can only imagine, but beneath the surface they have not only past traumas but new challanges they face in a world that still isn't so embracing of African Americans no matter how much education, training, opportunity, and connections they have obtained.
Of course, not all of these children turned adults are far-out there in the way they dress, speak and behave. Feel free to think about some of those behaviors on your own and please don't reason that what you see is the natural order of life. I couldn't help but think of psychological brainwashing, media manipulation, celebrity power and control used to separate them mentally and physically to push the public to support hedonistic lifestyles, push political agendas and to meet occultic groups private fetishes. Poor children in more ways than one!
What type of things did these celebrity kids witness in their parents home and elsewhere? What or who influenced them while their parents were performing around the world? All-too-often we hear of children in celebrity world used and abused. I pondered on what the intentions were, from the start, of specifically targeting black babies for some A-listers who were already going through their share of personal challenges. Those black babies weren't pets, the latest trend-setters, or something to keep around just so that you could say, "I have a black child." The purpose was greater in the eyes of a view, "I could use my child to break the mold..." but at whose expense and what exactly are you breaking, Celebrity parent? The hearts of many who can see that you recruited a puppet just like yourself!
What better way then to groom these black babies to grow up to be influencers who look just like you and me? Therefore, what is being pushed is easier to digest because they assume we are simple-minded enough to accept just about whatever is put in front of us given the history in how easily we embrace ignorance and foolishness in music, fashion, movies, sports, etc.
Put yourself in their shoes, these celebrities--many who have personality disorders, you adopt a rainbow of children who will then be hand-picked to be used to push controversial agendas, sell strange products and services, teach disturbing things, preach convulted messages peppered with religious statements, invent hurtful devices in the long or short-term, and do much more that supposedly "help others". The unsuspecting public will go along with programming because you, the child or both are likeable. But what if you aren't? Be sure to either never assume the last name of the parent or leave it out so as not to be connected to the not-so agreeable celebrity.
These black babies were not only adopted but brought into the fold of a sinister system. One that is known for it's various new inventions and programs that are tested on people all-too-willing to be a part of many things that have yet been received by the majority and would be considered highly risky and controversial. Why would any parent whether biological or not sign up their child for such things? Simply put, they are accustomed to their lavish lifestyles, social connections, and favor among powerful groups. Therefore, if the child can be of benefit to the establishment, then why not?
During biblical times, it was common among those who worshipped false gods to sacrifice their children. This hasn't changed! If you have ever been exposed to an impovershied community or a rich one, children for many selfish individuals are not that important unless they can make money for the family and not be a burden. They are trained so as to not speak out about their abuses and are reminded that if it wasn't for their rescuer they would still be out in the street, left for dead, or with the troubled parent back in their hometown that didn't want them. Constant belittling statements that make these adopted black children feel inferior will break their wills and cause abnormal dependence on their abusers.
Looking back, we may have thought it was so kind of the rich, white celebrity to do such a wonderful thing, but now I see, with many, their so-called humanitarian effort, to help those poor black children, through a different lense. Hats off to those who genuinely protect, love and care for these children, but woe to those who don't!
Yours truly with both eyes wide open,
Thanks for reading :)
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