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Obama: the Nation's Next Martin Luther King?

Like Martin Luther King moved blacks in the sixties with the civil rights movement is Barak Obama going to move the nation with his presidency? One can only hope.

Martin Luther King had a vision for change and spoke with people about his vision. They organized and they came out in full force to see that things got done. Well, I have a dream of my own and it goes something like this: "I dream that one day Barak Obama will be walking the streets of Small Town USA in full force with senators, state representatives (and whoever else that has power to go from city to city) meeting with local government offering suggestions and holding people accountable. I dream that one day, he won't be walking with these people because of some tragic event or some selfish reasons. He will be doing this because he organized this march. A "March to Change." (Unlike the Civil Right's Movement no one would be foolish enough to spray him or his supporters with a fire hose, get the dogs out to attack him or anything else unless they want to be buried under the jail.)

People will be emotional! Crying tears of happiness and not sorrow! They will hold up all sorts of signs with various issues that are close to their hearts like, "Stop Rising Gas Prices! New Jobs Now! Save the Environment! Universal Health Care Today! Free Education Now!" Others will get personal and controversial like, "Save Marriage! Church and Government are Friends! Get My Money Back from Big Businesses! Find My Mother Tell Her I Love Her!" You know, there is always some wild people among us.

I believe that one day we will see local news media reporting that "President Barak Obama and other government leaders were in Small Town USA today. As a result of this visit, "Small Town USA will be doing XYZ, and a program planned during the visit will be implemented by January 1, 2010, says the Mayor. There are other cities that will be visited in the next few months, stay tuned for a city near you." After the local visit, government will follow up to find out if their suggestions fell on deaf ears and for those government officials that didn't do anything, they will be faced with many consequences." Oh yes, I have a dream!

With his message of change, Barak Obama, has more people supporting him financially than his predecessors. What can we expect from him? I can tell you that my views are simplistic and commonly shared.

I expect a president that is going to be true to his words that he isn't going to tell us one thing and do another like former presidents have done. (Good luck, some of you say! I can't help but wish.) He can stop the lying, propaganda, manipulation and whatever other tactics the ones before him has used beginning with himself. Just because it has always been done, it doesn't have to continue. The same number of people who came out to support him, better go out in droves and make him accountable!

I also expect the president to listen to America first. Let the business at home be a priority everyday! Don't allow the foreign dollar to misguide, threaten, or control you and everyone else! Take a risk and do something different like shake up the 10% of the wealthiest in our country. What do I propose? I propose a universal health care plan that includes a nurse to go home with the mother who just had a baby and teach her a few things about raising him or her! Our nation's foundation starts with mothers! Mothers who are having babies with or without family support. There are plenty who lack support from their mates who are quick to cuss, cheat and leave when the going gets tough (the nurse should also educate fathers as well.) When the mother is stressed due to lack of health care, money, bills, daycare (only if she can afford it and works), etc. her child experiences her stress. This stressed out child will one day become your child's boss, mate, doctor, teacher and so much more with a chip on his shoulder! "Society will pay for what I didn't have when I was growing up!" The dysfunctional child will tell everybody. It all started because mother was stressed. She was stressed about her relationship, mistakes made with choosing a mate and everything else in between! Every psychologist preaches that many of our problems begin with childhood! So why isn't more being done to help these mothers and fathers? Taking money out of their pocket is not the solution! How many have you been raised by a mother who could have been a better mother if...you fill in the blank? So what happens when no one makes child education, marital counseling, and other related support a requirement rather than an option? If people have to read a book and be tested on driving before they can drive, then people should be trained as early as 13 on relationship and parenting issues.

Some of you are probably thinking, "why should we have to pay for the mother's mistakes?" No one is asking you to pay for someone's mistakes. Instead, what we all should be doing is looking out for one another-- the ones with and the ones without. It isn't guaranteed that you will always have what you have. One day you may be needing someone to help you. There are many good people who did everything "right" so to speak, graduated from college, got married, bought a house, had children and then lost everything! Now they are looking for us to help them, I wonder if they thought like some of you are thinking too, be careful. In the end what you gave to the world and what you and your family now receive, balances out! For instance, if you gave someone $10. You may have received $10 off on a purchase you made. If you gave a donation to your favorite charity, someone may have given your child something they needed. We could go on and on about what you gave and what you have received, but that takes away from the point of this editorial, so I won't go there anymore. The bottom line is we need universal healthcare and the government knows most of us will not visit those countries mentioned in that movie, Sicko, directed by Michael Moore. Therefore, you and I don't know all of the details unless we actually lived there, but I'm sure that those people on the film don't have much to gain for lying considering their faces are everywhere and they are putting themselves out there to be attacked.

While I am thinking about universal health care, let's throw in a universal education plan, and any other plan that's going to rock business as usual! Education that has to be paid for years and years before a young adult has a chance in life is robbery! Why are these students settling for this? You know why because they are told all through high school you don't want to work a blue collar job, set your sights on something higher. Well not everyone can afford to reach higher. When the race began in life, we all started at the same pace if we were poor and middle class, but if you are wealthy you are way ahead of everyone else. Would you watch an Olympic race, car race, or horse race if there were some already ahead of the other racers? So why do we allow these institutions to do that to our children? Parents should be coming out in numbers boycotting everywhere! It's a good excuse to stop paying for college isn't it? But then again, maybe they don't come out in full force because they are too busy planning to change their daughter or son's room into another place to keep their junk. Speaking of junk, isn't that the end result of greed? Which brings us to another topic.

Greed is killing this country and the next president should see that. Look at all of the obese people in the world, dying from food!? What you have is never enough, that's the American way. People who make less than $30,000 are considered poor in California. They can qualify for certain government programs, what? Nothing anyone buys, sells, says or does anymore is ever good enough, look at all of these judges on these reality shows. I see someone doing something better than you, I want ten others just like her or him and I don't find them. So now I have to come up with a way to rob from the least talented to make up for the lack to feed my greed. Let's exploit the ignorant, the unattractive, the rude, and the poor, America likes to laugh at these kind of people, but I digress...

I expect the president to find the power within to start making these gas companies, airlines and any other company that's always playing with the figures from one day to the next to be penalized. I know the president watches sports, he can whisper in someone's ear to form a watch group over these referees who want to make calls on plays knowing full well that they are wrong and have them investigated. Also, he can sound the alarm on these athletes who take performance enhancing drugs. Just imagine a call from the president, "I saw that basketball game the other day. You and I both know that the referee was making wrong calls all night. I want him investigated!" You say that is a petty issue, the president is too busy. I say, he isn't always busy. He may be seated on his throne in the bathroom watching the game, you never know. How long does a simple phone call make, anyway? He just doesn't realize how many women he can save from at least one beating, because her husband was just that angry over a bad call.

I would hope that the president would hold the police accountable too, find a way to humble them when they do wrong! You want to shoot a man, woman or child, use excessive force, harass people because you wear a badge? Then how about putting them in population with the ones they arrested? How about an even more radical idea, I would like to see that these jails are torn down in our community. That's right I said torn down, build a community for the convicts on islands and deserted areas on our Earth, then allow them to act like human beings first such as living in a civilized society (like Norway,) then if they can't utilize the training given to them and make something of themselves on their own island, then my idea is to lock them up on their own island and let them watch their fellow inmates make something of themselves. They need to work just like we do! Let them build their own houses. Why do we have to look at a jail minutes away from home?

Another expectation I have of the president is before you go to some country that most of us have never been to and offer to help and give away our tax dollars, can we vote on it or better yet since that takes too long, how about make the affairs of our country priority? I am tired of hearing about monies being collected for our foreign neighbors, yet we have neighborhoods with good people in them hoping for someone to come in and straighten things out. Instead of giving long speeches in these communities, shaking hands and kissing babies, put some people to work! You know how you can do that? Visit the best communities in America and implement the ideas you learned from those neighborhoods to rebuild the older communities. You can begin by calling people who live in those communities to action. They want the best schools, best housing, best everything, than put them to work! Assign tasks for them to do like assist with tearing down the old buildings in the neighborhood and use their skills to build new ones! Make the police accountable in these run-down neighborhoods for passing by communities they know are notorious for gangs, drugs and everything else! Police, just like the fire department aren't always busy, so get them busy! Why do you think so many came out to volunteer for all these travesties in other areas? I'll tell you why, because many of them felt guilty that their brothers and sisters on the force were busy and they weren't, not only that, they also had a great opportunity to say they had been apart of something bigger than what typically goes on in their communities. Yeah, I believe some just wanted to do something nice from the goodness of their hearts, despite their time was already stretched thin, but that is some. Put them to work too!! Then after all is said and done, if the people of the community still have complaints, at least you did your part. They can look at one another and say, "Barak Obama came out here to help us and look you ungrateful S.O.B.s still don't give a d*mn!"

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