If you have ever spent any time learning about the effects of slavery in one's African American family history, then you most likely have already put the pieces together when it comes to the many personality disorders that tend to show up in a family line as a result. One such disorder that has been prevalent in the black community is the psychopath.
The psychopath can be born or created in the African American culture whether he is rapping on stage or working in a leadership position. The psychopath tends to be aggressive, lacks empathy, and antisocial (despite his or her good-natured performance in front of others), according to various media reports. The individual might be dressed over-the-top even in atmospheres that don't require such attire or appear modestly dressed. These people can be fun, polite, and charming. They know how to change their personalities to fit in with others while acting the totally opposite behind closed doors. Black men and women, who have dated or been married to psychopaths, have complained about their acting very differently in public usually friendly, but privately acting strangely, mean-spirited, prideful, etc. Grandma might have described her son as, "...crazy...the strange one in the bunch...he's touched."
In my opinion, based on observations, personal experiences, readings, and prayer time, the psychopath is yet another by-product from the enslaved mindsets of previous generations. We must not forget that "the abused" passed on the good, bad and ugly thoughts and behaviors to generations of people coming behind them; therefore creating carbon copies of themselves that lack understanding on who or what they are. For example, if daddy, a slave to the white man/boss/partner, picked up on his master's psychopathic nature, his children or other young blacks watched and eventually acted in similar ways. If mom noticed the father of her children acting in aggressive ways toward her and those around her coupled with uncaring/heartless mannerisms while he said things like: "I can't stand our people...Dogs are more loyal than black folks...,"she may have picked up on her husband's ugly ways. The two together most likely didn't have a good relationship unless one started acting like the other in an effort to appease his or her partner.
The wounded, without proper healing, will abuse others i.e.) the psychopath!
Just like the white slave owners used their black slaves/products for personal gain while not caring much for them as human beings, black psychopaths do the same with their own people as well as other individuals. They don't connect with anyone on an emotional, spiritual or physical level, they use them while pretending to like and care for them!
It has been said by some researchers that in order to eradicate the negative affects of slavery syndrome, it is best to pair an African American with another ethnicity--preferably one that comes from a family line with a higher IQ, more opportunity, better upbringing, etc. Therefore, the society with which we live will become better over time due to intermixing with someone considered more priviledged, rather than sticking with one's own kind who might come from a generational like of dumb and dysfunctional folks.
In recent years, this heavy promotion of interracial dating isn't based on fluff reasons like: peace, love and Martin Luther King's
I Have a Dream Speech; instead it is systematic. Media already knows what your dating preference could be, but prefers to wash one's brain of an old way of thinking (i.e. sticking with your own kind) while re-conditioning your mind to accept interracial romance in so-called the best interest of humanity. If there are too many personality disorders showing up in a certain ethnicity wrecking havoc, mix it up! Re-programming happens during periods when individuals are back to thinking in ways that the elitist society doesn't agree while doing things that they vehemently oppose. So how do they know what you and any of your dysfunctional relatives think or do? They utilize blogs, surveys, existing interracial couples' opinions, social networking sites like
Facebook with your family connections, etc. Therefore, if you so happen to be a wealthy, smart black who has been thinking in terms of "black" love as a result of seeing so many images of a black president and his black wife, media will come in and get you to start thinking about the non-black's opinion on who you should date coupled with images of elitist interracial couples even if you don't like them. Remember, the subconscious mind is programmable and so is your spending habits!
Some of these non-blacks didn't know what they got themselves into when they connected with some of these black psychopaths. You can see the disappointment on some of their partners and friends' faces when standing or sitting near or next to them. The psychopath only tends to show a tad bit of care when it comes to personal or business relationships if the following is happening: one's finances are being terminated, his "feel good" supply is being threatened whether that be children/drugs/women/travel etc. or a person or material item he/she idolizes is no more. The grief is temporary and then on to the next one. Witnesses might comment, "Wow, he got over her quickly...Did she ever love him? Does he even care that his boss fired him?"
Ultimately, the smart elitists want a smarter society and one's personal choice is no longer one's personal choice when it comes to personal and professional partnerships for those with big purse strings--one's preference is always being manipulated before the masses! But ignorant men and women are too blind to see and usually do whatever their idols do even if the evidence of their modern day enslavement is apparent!
If one had a choice of connecting with a partner that has more of everything particularly financial connections, he or she will most likely date/marry/ that non-black person (even if he or she doesn't love or like the person much); rather than choose one's own ethnicity. Some fear connecting with someone who might have a similar or lower IQ, grew up in a chaotic environment, and been raised by dysfunctional parents. This is just another way of escaping one's mental enslavement brought on by generational brainwashing. It would make sense for the black psychopath to recognize his or her weaknesses and undo wrong programming; rather than repeat the cycle.
Nicholl McGuire